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"I spoke to 2 HIRING MANAGERS last night. 

My question was: “Why do many candidates not get called to interview?” 

Their answer was shocking. It was this.... 

“Because their LinkedIn Profile And Summary does not match the information on their CV/Resume.” I was stunned."

Following this statement, Kirsty Bonner (Marketing Creator, Analyst and Strategist, Job Search Consultant, Psychologist and Author), gives us the KEY to get an interview.

I have posted numerous times about the importance of the LinkedIn Profile.
Why? Because I know it is the first click for many, but not all, recruiters and hiring managers PRIOR to reviewing the CV.

› Your Profile headline should reflect either your current job title, your last job title, or the title(s) that you are currently searching for.

› The mandatory information required by LinkedIn should be FACTUAL and complete.

› Your Profile Summary should be a mini-synopsis of your CV/Resume, NARRATED, to present your ‘story.’ 

› Any discrepancy between your Profile and CV, makes your integrity questionable. I know you are educated, qualified and highly experienced!

One last tip from Kirsty Bonner: 
Now please take the necessary time to ensure that your presentation is in order. 

Why? Because if YOU, yourself, aren’t fully invested in your own future, why should any recruiter, hiring manager, or organization be?"

Now it's in your hands...

Source: Kirsty BONNER:

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