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TOP 10 Tips to travel abroad alone




There are many ways to travel the world: with your friends, your partner, your family.

And alone.

Either you have to travel for leisure, work or studies, solo traveling is a life changing experience which makes you realize who you really are. You don’t think I am right? Well, book a solo plane ticket and read these few tips before you take off...

Tip # 1 - Be curious and open-minded

When you travel alone, it is very important to be curious about what you discover whether it is the first time or not. Be open-minded, you will discover new cultures, amazing people and unforgettable landscapes.

Tip # 2 -  Be sociable and friendly

You will make friends only if you are sociable and friendly. Try to not hang out too much with people of your own nationality: this is often an obstacle to meeting new people. You will realize you are never really alone when you travel. You will have the opportunity to meet amazing  locals and travelers as well. Staying at hostels can help making new friends as well, just saying. 

Tip # 3 - Make sure you know about the country and culture before you arrive

It is very important that you know enough about the country you are visiting, before you arrive: the currency, the language, the first location you will discover when you land, the dangerous places to avoid. Indeed, this will help you to start your trip without any feeling of anxiety and  fear.

Tip # 4 - Know a few basic words about the local language

It will always be helpful to know a few local words so you can introduce yourself and know how to ask for basic things (food, accommodations, medicine…). It is always much appreciated when people see you are making an effort to communicate. And who knows,  someone will probably offer to teach you more about its language, etc.

Tip # 5 -  Respect the people, the environment

Even if you are a citizen of the world, you are travelling somewhere people, plants and animals live every day in their own environment. Show respect to all the places you will go, don’t pollute, throw properly your waste, and leave the places the way you found them. You will probably see many differences between your own practices and habits, so adapt yourself to the  environment.

Tip # 6 - Adapt yourself

Yes, adapt yourself to the country you discover, this is the best way to discover. And you know what? Traveling alone makes you more employable: it is obvious that travelling teaches you a lot about how to adapt, sociability, becoming more independent, confident, etc. Employers care a lot about these skills, sometimes even more than the rest of your curriculum.

Tip # 7 -  Don’t be afraid to discover

Say goodbye to your comfort zone, don’t be afraid to discover things you never thought would existed (people, culture, food, music or even things about yourself…). Get lost sometimes and you will discover more about you and the country you are visiting. Of course you will have to face your weaknesses during your solo adventure, but be sure it will makes you stronger and  braver.

Tip # 8 -  Be prepared to own an adventure

Detox from technology and live the real life. Being alone, can be one of the most liberating experience. It literally pushes you to your limits. And you will realize the world is not as scary as you think it is…

Tip # 9 - Learn and share

By learning, I mean opening your eyes, being impressed: learning by immersion is really the best way to learn. By sharing, I mean sharing with the locals, learning from them, their way of living. You can even start writing a travel diary to share and never forget what you lived during this experience.

Tip # 10 -  Enjoy!

Eat, have fun, walk, meet people, go on a road trip, share, dance, feel free, breathe… You will start collecting memories instead of things. Make the most of your trip, you will come back with unforgettable memories and only one idea in mind: to go back!

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