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Why did you choose to study at CEFAM?

I chose to study at CEFAM because this school allowed me to finish my studies in the USA, a country I had had the chance to visit several times before. I liked the fact that all classes were in English, and also the fact that CEFAM was following the American education system, with GPAs, MCQs, etc. Finally I was able to join CEFAM in February and not waste 6 months waiting for another program to start in September.

What is your one special memory of your time at CEFAM? 

Thanksgiving dinners with our professors (Mary Bouchelet, Wiliiam Hyndmann, etc.) and all the students.

In one word, how would you describe CEFAM? 

French and American Private Business School !

What have you done since graduating from CEFAM? 

I got my BBA from Temple and worked in the States right after. 3 years later, I was discovering the luxury hospitality industry in California and never stopped working in this field since.

What is your current job role? And what does it involve? 

I am Rooms Division Director in a 5 star (Palace) Hotel based in Bordeaux, called Les Sources de Caudalie. It involves managing a team of up to 50 employees and guaranteeing this highest standard of guest satisfaction.

More info on my Interview with Hospitality Insiders dated Nov 25th 2021: 

How did CEFAM help you get to where you are now? 

CEFAM allowed me to start my career in the States, be fluent in English and strengthen my business and communication skills.

What advice would you give to CEFAM current students preparing to graduate? 

Go guys!!! and do not choose the job that pays the best but the job that will profoundly passionate you and provide you with satisfaction and happiness !

Tell us something about yourself that most people don't know.

I met people at CEFAM that are still my dearest and closest friends 20 years later! I became a god father (Aude), one guy officiated my non religious wedding (Yannick), and I know for sure that Maud and Diana will be my friends for the rest of my life. This is precious.

What is your motto?

“Treat others as we'd wish to be treated ourselves” Isadore Sharp, Founder & Chairman of Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts

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