Conference: How to build a Business Plan ? An exhaustive to-do-list to get your goals

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The conference will be in English:

ML Pellotier:

As a CFO I took part in various adventures which have all been successful, and I have written quite a number of Business Plans.

What is a BP ?

What is it used for ? Formalisation , communication, funding.

How to complete it ?

Content, executive summary, the start up leader, the team, the project, the administrative environment, the time schedule, market survey, prototype, market access strategy, company organisation, sales computation, further sales opportunities, legal and tax 

Financial statements for BP

P&L, Balance sheet, & cash flow

For those of you who cannot be on site, the conference will also be on Teams:{"Tid":"e13a0948-d644-47e2-8974-7e08e759bb1d","Oid":"afe9604a-0726-4a6f-9d67-310d40f687f2"}

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